Barrel Ridge Farm

About 7 miles from Jackie O’s basecamp you can find our long-lived (and loved) outpost: Barrel Ridge Farm. Acquired in 2010, the former 22 acre horse ranch quickly became a refreshing getaway to brewery and restaurant employees, offering an earnest exposure to the beauty and importance of the region. With a strong history of agriculture and self-reliance, the rolling hills of Appalachia brought us both ambition and humility as we embarked on creating ourselves a farm. Over the course of 10 years, much has grown, more has changed, and many lessons have been learned; however, we’ve never wavered from our initial goal: to produce what we can of what we need and share as much as possible.
If anyone ever tells you that farming is easy, they are full of it!! Early on, we planted acres of garlic, onions, and beets; fostered goats, chickens, and some Scottish Highlander cattle; we kept bees, stocked fish, and built yurts–we tried it all. Needless to say, we overplanted and underdelivered on most of it. Fortunately, our commitment was not outweighed by ambition and we happily learned from our mistakes. We now approach the land with greater respect and are much more calculated and cautious with our resources and energies. This year, 2 rows of carefully planted beet seeds in one of our high tunnels yielded 4 times the amount we ever harvested from a whole acre. We’re not afraid to start small and scale up; and, we always try to prioritize projects that bring the most value to the company, community, and ecosystem.
All of this hard work (and myriad of missteps) has resulted in an ever-growing self-reliance across the entire company. From seasonal vegetables on our Public House food menu to whole cone hops in our latest Brewpub batch, Barrel Ridge Farm provides that sustainable ingredient that sets Jackie O’s apart while continually bringing us closer to our community.
You can find the fruits (and sometimes vegetables) of our labor in many of our specialty beers made right here in Athens, Ohio. And, the Public House kitchen and Jackie O’s Bakeshop utilizes the fresh farm produce in endlessly creative ways everyday! Also, our farm is now home to the Athens County Area Beekeeping Association (ACABA) so be(e) on the lookout for local honey very soon.
Book a stay at our Barrel Ridge Farm AirBnb and experience it all for yourself!
Beers with farm produce
Field Lab
Epitome of Wellness
Sun Shines Brighter
Beet and Mandarin Perpetum
CSAison Reserve
Carrot Tangerine Perpetum
Watermelon Perpetum
Clamato Perpetum
Poire Ya Bitta
Harvest Picker
Blackberry Perpetum
Beets & Peanut White Apparition
Pretty Ricky
Cucumber and Ginger Perpetum
Barking Pumpkin
Plant List
Artichoke (Tavor, Colorado Star)
Cardoon (Porto Spineless)
Asparagus (Jersey Supreme, Purple Passion)
Bush Beans (Provider, Royal Burgundy, Goldilocks)
Pole Beans (Red Noodle)
Soybeans (Tohya)
Beets (Red Ace, Chioggia Guardsmark, Touchstone Gold, Boldor)
Broccoli (Green Magic, Eastern Magic)
Brussel Sprouts (Dagan)
Carrots (Sugarsnax, Hercules, Rainbow, Dragon, Purple Elite)
Cauliflower (Amazing, Graffiti, Puntoverde, Flame Star)
Celery (Tango)
Collards (Flash)
Cucumbers (Bristol, Diva, H-19 Little Leaf, Itachi)
Eggplant (Orient Express, Nigral, Annina)
Fennel (Orazio)
Garlic (Georgian Crystal)
Mustard Greens (Green Wave, Red Giant)
Mizuna (Mizuna)
Arugula (Arugula)
Orach (Ruby Red Orach)
Shungiku (Shungiku)
Cress (Upland Cress)
Pac Choi (Mei Qing Choi, Black Summer, Joi Choi)
Lettuce (Intercut, Brentwood, Salvius, Grazion, New Red Fire, Ruby Sky, Muir, Skyphos, Bauer)
Kale (Winterbor, Black Magic, Red Russian)
Kohlrabi (Terek, Beas, Kolibri)
Leeks (King Richard, Large American Flag, Bandit)
Cantaloupe (Triton)
Honeydew (Honey Orange, Arava)
Watermelon (Farmers Wonderful, Red Amber, Crimson Sweet, Sugar Baby, Orangello)
Okra (Jambalaya, Carmine Splendor)
Full Size Onions (Frontier, Ailsa Craig Exhibition, Monastrell)
Bunching Onions (White Spear, Nabechan, Deep Purple, Evergreen Hardy White)
Cipollini Onions (Gold Coin, Red Marble)
Parsnips (Javelin, White Spear)
Snap Peas (Super Sugar Snap)
Snow Peas (Avalanche)
Bell Peppers (Gourmet, Flavorburst, Lilo, Islander, Ace, X3R Red Knight, King Arthur)
Sweet Peppers (Carmen, Escamillo)
Hot Peppers (Hungarian Hot Wax, Capperino, Krimzon Lee, Mad Hatter)
Cayenne Peppers (Red Rocket, Red Flame)
Habanero Peppers (Helios, Hot Paper Lantern)
Jalapeno Peppers (Jalafuego, Jedi)
Serrano Peppers (Altiplano)
Radishes (Rover, French Breakfast, Nelson, Red Meat, Nero Tondo)
Horseradish (Horseradish)
Rutabaga (Helenor)
Turnips (Purple Top White Globe)
Spinach (Space, Red Tabby, Flamingo, Bloomsdale, Equinox)
Yellow Squash (Zephyr)
Zucchini (Dunja, Green Machine)
Acorn Squash (Tiptop PMR)
Butternut Squash (Butterscotch PMR)
Sweet Potatoes (Covington, Murasaki)
Swiss Chard (Bright Lights)
Tomatillos (Super Verde)
Husk Cherries (Goldie)
Tomatoes (Defiant PhR, Galahad, BHN 589, Skyway, Big Beef Plus, New Girl, Wisconsin 55, Pruden’s Purple, German Johnson, Brandywine, Striped German, Yellow Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Carbon, Blue Beech, Amish Paste, Speckled Roman)
Cherry Tomatoes (Supersweet 100, Sun Gold, Black Cherry, Indigo Cherry Drops)
Herb List
Basil (Newton, Tuscany, Red Rubin, Sweet Thai, Blue Spice, Mrs. Burns Lemon)
Borage (Borage)
Chamomile (Common Chamomile)
Chives (Dolores)
Cilantro (Santo, Cruiser)
Dill (Thalia, Teddy, Bouquet)
Lemon Balm (Lemon Balm)
Marjoram (Sweet Marjoram)
Mint (Chocolate Mint, Marley Mint)
Parsley (Giant of Italy, Darki)
Oregano (Greek Oregano)
Rosemary (Athens Rosemary)
Sage (Common Sage, Purple Sage)
Lavender (Munstead)
Saltwort (Saltwort)
Savory (Winter Savory)
Thyme (English Thyme, Summer Thyme)
Hyssop (Hyssop, Anise Hyssop)
St. John’s Wort (St. John’s Wort)
Tarragon (French Tarragon)